Jared Joseph: October 2017 Poet of the Month

Where did we go. I don’t
know. The royal we was alone.
We went to ITS Beach at high
noon, there were no shadows
I found one
I sat down. I put my sweater on
Marissa feels complex about. I mean she feels
complicated. I mean her feelings are. I don’t
know life, life for me is simple. If it rains
bike in rain. If I love you I will rest
my head in your lap. If you do not love me I will
if it rains bike in rain
rest and step inside my rest and lay my head against
the red cliff rock. I read a story a fish
who was a human mother once threw herself aghast
the black cliff rock (I have all kinds of
cuts) narrow sharp and grooved, and as herself
aghast selves‘ scales sparked into the air, like rose petals suffering
suffusing now
the red cliff rock, she dotted everything and died
a recovered human mother. Rest exists
The world forms.
Jared Joseph is a recent graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop MFA program, and is now pursuing my PhD in Literature at the University of California – Santa Cruz. Recent work has been published in Fence and Entropy Journal; 'Drowsy. Drowsy Baby' is forthcoming from Civil Coping Mechanisms press in September 2017. His book collaboration with Sara Peck, 'here you are,' is available from Horse Less Press.