Gloria Muñoz: Captcha in Retrograde

Gloria Muñoz: Captcha in Retrograde




If you can differentiate

Courier “a” from Palatino

“&,” then you’re golden


and free to keep browsing.

Tonight’s moon in Sagittarius promises

a storm of opportunity


and networking. But you can’t

move, not today. Why lift

a finger when this magic


eight-ball-search-bar can bring

you all the terrors and joys

of your imagination? Is it an itch


to scratch or a scratch to itch? Whatever.

You know you’ll hover here a while

above the body on the couch:


the unflinching moth clinging

to a bluish aura. The only interruption,

Netflix asking: “Are you still there?”


Gloria Muñoz’s writing  is forthcoming in LUMINA and has appeared in The Rumpus, Best New Poets, Acentos Review, Forage Poetry, The Brooklyn Review, and Entropy, among others. Her writing has also been honored by the New York Summer Writer’s Institute Fellowship, USF Humanities Institute Poetry Award and the Think Small to Think Big Artist Fellowship and a Creative Pinellas Artist Grant. Gloria holds degrees from Sarah Lawrence College and the University of South Florida. She is a also a co-founder of Pitch Her Productions, an organization dedicated to women in the arts.