Susan Niz: We Make Our Bed To Lie In

Susan Niz: We Make Our Bed To Lie In
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente

4/11    We Make Our Bed To Lie In



The flowerbed the size of a

Spring grave

Emptied of clay


Filled with the most beautiful

Fine, black soil


Wildflower and lavender seeds

Tiny dry dots of somethingness


After the work of digging

The trench, seeds in soil


A small hand to play

In a miracle


We could be near the end—

I request new life


Seeds when they burst open

After the peak of the pandemic


Will make a bed of flowers

Pointing their index fingers


To the May sun at a range of heights

Like a graph of new cases


Susan Niz has two poetry chapbooks: Beyond this Amniotic Dream (Beard Poetry, 2016) and Left-Handed Like a Lightning Whelk, (Finishing Line Press, 2019). Her work has appeared in places such as Ponder Review, Blue Bonnet Review, Belleville Park Pages, Ginosko, Flashquake, Opium Magazine, and Summerset Review. Susan has taught poetry workshops at the University of Texas-Informal Classes, Austin Bat Cave, The Writing Barn, and Austin-area libraries. She has been featured in live poetry shows in Minneapolis and Austin. Susan's novel Kara, Lost (North Star Press, 2011) was a finalist for a Midwest Book Award (MIPA) for Literary Fiction. She has a BA in Creative Writing. Susan lives in the Austin, Texas area where she is raising her family.