Christine Stoddard: Mortem et Virginiana
Born and raised in Arlington, Virginia, Christine Stoddard is a Salvadoran-Scottish-American writer, editor, and artist now based in New York. Her work has appeared in Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Bustle, Native Peoples Magazine, The Feminist Wire, the New York Transit Museum, the Condé Nast Building, The Huffington Post, and beyond. In 2012, the Puffin Foundation honored her with a national emerging artist grant in photography. That same year, she debuted her documentary film, The Persistence of Poe, at the Poe Museum and on PBS-Richmond/Charlottesville. In 2014, Folio Magazine named Christine one of the media industry's top 20 people in their 20s for founding Quail Bell Magazine. Her book, Images of America: Richmond Cemeteries, which she co-authored with Misty Thomas. also came out that year. This year, The History Press published her book, Hispanic and Latino Heritage in Virginia.