Savannah Slone: Incantation of a Home

tinfoil crown fistfuls of belly fever sprout blister sliver rusted sutures suspending her maternal marionette body ultrasound jelly clasps onto her ramparts a liquescent phantom blanket draped dancing womb silhouettes on the blank walls the geography of my mental furniture a blurred abandoned incantation of a home that once was peony contracts signed with molten blots sealed with wax a spool of human parts dissolved by thread cutter hemming you a feast Immaculate Rejection foraged clinging ashes scattered vowels a blushing wound a collection of crimson petals the thirst of mortality tattooed on my forced open palm marking me into the After
Savannah Slone is a queer writer who is completing her M.F.A. in the Pacific Northwest. Her poetry and short fiction has appeared in or will soon appear in Heavy Feather Review, Ghost City Press, decomP magazinE, Maudlin House, FIVE:2:ONE, Pidgeonholes, TERSE Journal, and elsewhere. Her debut poetry chapbook, 'Hearing the Underwater,' is forthcoming publication with Finishing Line Press. She serves as the Assistant Poetry Editor at Boston Accent Lit and is a Wigleaf Top 50 Flash Fiction Reader. She enjoys reading, knitting, hiking, and discussing intersectional feminism. You can read more of her work at