Eleanor Levine: This Is a Curse

Eleanor Levine: This Is a Curse
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this is a curse

like tiger lilies

on the highway

and my dad stops

to whine at their orange



*Means “love” in Croatian.

Eleanor Levine's writing has appeared in more than 50 publications, including SRPR (Spoon River Poetry Review), Wigleaf, Barrelhouse (online), Heavy Feather Review, Denver Quarterly, Evergreen, Pank, Fiction and The Breakwater Review; forthcoming work in Artemis, (b)OINK and Williard & Maple. Levine’s poetry collection, Waitress at the Red Moon Pizzeria, was released in 2016 by Unsolicited Press (Davis, California). Eleanor received her MFA in Creative Writing from Hollins University in 2007. She is currently a medical editor living in Philadelphia with her dog Morgan.