Jen DeGregorio: #NotTrump Series
Note from My Narcissism
I am an ode
to myself. I tan
in my own glow and know
every goodbye is hello. Every
body on the road, a doll
that longs to be held in
my muscular arms, to be stroked
by my right hand, to sit
at my right hand and cares
not what the other is doing,
which I’ll just say is
very important, my work
that it’s doing. It is conducting
the finest symphony
ever composed, the trill
that thrills from my throat
an unknown bird’s ornithologists
would kill for. Like anything rare
I am hard
to believe and I cost
beyond price. To watch
the populace window shop
is my highest joy. See them
rifle through pockets, place
their bets-- deeds to houses, rights
to dubious souls upon death
when all I have made will
be shown as the smoke
from the fireworks
blows, light so bright
it shuts each eye
in its head, forces
my name from all lips
in praise. Praise
for even one chance
to carry me home. My gilded
cage, its purely decorative
lock I unlatch with my talented beak
and flap through, filling you
up with my song as I go.
Jen DeGregorio's poetry has appeared in Apogee online, The Baltimore Review, The Collagist, The Cossack Review, PANK, Spoon River Poetry Review, Women's Studies Quarterly, and elsewhere. Her writing has won scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and Hunter College in New York, where she received her MFA in creative writing. She teaches writing to undergraduates in New York and New Jersey and, come September, will be a PhD candidate in English/Creative Writing at Binghamton University (State University of New York).