Hester Bradley: April 2019 Poet of the Month
Photo: Joanna C. Valente
phone notes: a poem
therapist thinks
lying on the grass listening to music reading and drinking
beer is hiding from life whereas I consider that
living life
to the full
groove is defined my imperfection
pay attention to the things that embarrass you
my body is a temple
people come in me and praise god
is this a feeling or do I have cramps?
I’m always falling in love when travelling on trains
so many beautiful people and you’re
allowed to stare ostensibly at
platform information
music is
mindfulness is
poetry is
Hester Bradley (Hesbrad) is a writer from Leicester in the United Kingdom. Hesbrad is into between-spaces, gender and sexual fluidity, and people turning into animals. Hesbrad is finishing a PhD at Oxford Brookes University on the moon and its resistance to heterosexual monogamy in early modern drama. They have published poetry in Aesthetica magazine. You can find them on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hesbrad/?hl=en