Faye Chevalier: You Get Revived, You Pay Rent

Faye Chevalier: You Get Revived, You Pay Rent
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente

you get revived, you pay rent

after “Sharp Teeth / Soft Hold” by Melody Nielson


my fingers as mounds of asps,


an entire hand down my throat—



the ruin as tombstone;


a body, venerating



the life & death


of a body,



as much remembrance-machine


as earth-holder, a signifier-death—



we cleaned the house today,


leaving the snakeskin on the floor,



a mediation of a queer theory of decay,


foreign smells, & a gag reflex for days—




my body is made


of a lot of little bodies,



of dead things


of silence—



the “Which Angel Are You?” Buzzfeed quiz of living


kill me on Groove Night      


then block me on twitter,


spend the morning      


-after backpedaling;


i can never tell      


when i am the object


of violence,


so bested by


the forthcoming


so fragile in the rain;


& when you cut off


the head of a rat king


it will j grow


a new rat king


from said severed head


we know this bc of


the many rat king corpses


that go missing, the cold act of


flesh begetting white noise,


not-needing in the rain,


or rather,


not-needed by the rain



i don’t think i want to ruin my own life anymore


this here, is a “kill”;


lanes of pity for the birds



clawing out my human throat;



my sorry scent of fractured stems;



acts of glazy sonnet-ing



piling over them purchased







Faye Chevalier is a Philadelphia-based poet and essayist. She is the author of the chapbook, future.txt (Empty Set Press 2018), and her work has been featured in The Wanderer, Peach Mag, Witch Craft Magazine, the tiny, and elsewhere. Some of her awards and recognitions include being the first ever poet to have work published on a cyberpunk tabletop rpg podcast (Neoscum 2018) and also a Pushcart nomination. Find her on Twitter where she cries about cyborgs, vampires, and having a body at @bratcore.