Corie Rosen: False Memory

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
The Red Door
The first time I saw you again, we’d sat,
spoken as if it were days, not years, gone.
The white cloth at the table’s edge laid flat
a field of our former love forgotten.
It was easy to imagine it then,
building our house (children, more and more and—
magic that might have been!)
Red, I’d thought, the only color for our door.
A red-doored house, filled up with our love’s hours.
Now, in my stilled home, no child of mine smiles,
and I wonder what might have been (ours, yours).
Only, of course, there is no house, no door.
What do you put in a place hope’s abandoned?
False memory of a red door, and nothing.
Corie Rosen's work has appeared in Arts & Letters, Crab Creek Review, and Juked, among many other places, and has also been anthologized, nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and featured on NPR. Her first book of poems, Words for Things Unsaid, is forthcoming from Aldrich Press in 2020.