Anthony AW: [Redacted]
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente



clothes recycled make

fashion like plastic

never die wash

cycle, roundabout sunset

corner store, septums

pierced how’s it

going? prada today

i’m selling everyday

green cotton gold

clasp closure leather

& metal soft

sculpture my mom

bless her sent

me these too

many [redacted] clothes

so i sell

in bulk&

buy a single

item every time.

Anthony AW (he/they) is an LA-based writer. Their work has been or will be published in Boston Accent Lit, Drunk Monkeys, FIVE:2:ONE, Mojave He[art] Review, & Rogue Agent. His micro-chapbook, Pantoum'd!, will be published by Ghost City Press for their 2019 Summer Series. AW’s a part of the Pink Plastic House 2019 summer online residency. They host tête-à-tête, a queer reading series in Highland Park. @an__o__