Writing Prompts: Use the Intangible to Write Tangibly

What are ways you can use the landscape around you to write? How can you write about the intangible world as if it is a body of its own?
What are ways you can use the landscape around you to write? How can you write about the intangible world as if it is a body of its own?
Write about something unnatural #writing #writingprompts #poetry
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Write about something endless #writingprompts #writing #poetry
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Write about something that is gone. #poetry #writing #fiction #writingprompts #photography
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Use this flower as a metaphor #flowers #photography #writing #writingprompts
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Write about something that seems unattainable #writing #writingprompts #journaling #mentalhealth
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Write about a mask you wear #writing #writingprompts #poetry #fiction #nonfiction
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What is a kind of magic you believe in? #magic #writing #words #magick #photography
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Write about a contradiction #writing #writingprompts #poetry #fiction #photography
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Write a poem where every line ends in a period #poetry #writing #writingprompts #photography
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Write a poem with a crow as a metaphor #writing #writingprompts #poetry #photography
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