Tyler Friend: Unsalted Southern Roads

I crossed unsalted southern roads, avoiding a Jeep dreidel, praying later on a little yellow Beetle up in Pennsylvania. A hotel room paid for by her boss: BOTA boxed: warmed by wine and exothermic energy. I wore borrowed lace and read: Every time it starts to snow, I would like to have sex. Synonyms for peg: shy, guy, test, try, nail, buttress, screw, size, nut, stud, strengthener, heave, thrust, pitch, button down, make fast, peculiarize. We looked at toe-pincher caskets and cat urns online. She told me she loved me for the second time: no take-backs now. I sat in the corner of the shower while she washed her hair—always on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Tyler Friend is (a) an apricot/human hybrid; (b) from Tennessee; (c) the author of Ampersonate; (d) avoiding choosing a preferred pronoun. https://tylerfriend.ink/