Sophie E. Moss: November 2016 Poet of the Month

Tiago Aguiar
We have never seen
the face of God, so we
measure mortality in
sabbats & the honey touch
of fertile hands / bloom as
red shaded days sequin
life into old wounds, elegies
of Ostara scald scarred into
lost expanses of city tarmac / a
monologue for the vanished,
vanquished; washed away
like unholy—seedlings
queening in mercurial
wheel of birth : rebirth
until death becomes a
discourse of dirt &
virtue & this earth is but
a hole for us to die in.
Sophie E. Moss is a writer, lover, human, mess. When she isn't searching for the perfect leather jacket, she writes essays for Luna Luna Magazine and poetry for all the people she used to be. Her work appears in Dirty Chai Magazine, Ty Celf, Quail Bell Magazine, among others. You can find her on Twitter @Sophiedelays.