Sarah Lyn Rogers: Becoming the Magician

The path appears clear but
strapped to that heavy pack
you will never reach the moon
Lay the burden down
Only with empty hands
can you hold slivers
feel them wax and wane
with closed eyes see light
With a crescent in each palm
the body understands balance
knows how to pour water
in an arc against gravity
Each hand holds tea
the right temperature
to drink
Becoming The Magician
you covered your soles
and the heels of your hands
hid coins in the lining of your coat
let this not be the last
that I have, you thought
let it not, let it not, let it not
a too-tight lid obstructs
air, traps steam, what breathes
bubbles over or must perish
you did not perish
raised the heels of your hands
to the sky and said I can hold this
to anything that you were given
and for a time you did,
even juggled to make room
for more until your arms grew tired
still you did not perish
raised the heels of your hands
to the sky and said what flows
through me is huge, which is how
what I hold now weighs nothing
Sarah Lyn Rogers is a Pushcart-nominated writer and the former Fiction Editor of The Rumpus. She is the author of Inevitable What (Sad Spell Press, 2016), a chapbook on magic and rituals. A collaborative poem she wrote with Isobel O’Hare appears in the Black Lawrence Press anthology They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Creative Writing (2018). For more of Sarah's writing, and for tarot medicine poetry, visit