Robin Sinclair: #MeToo Series

How It Happened.
How it happened
when the steps creaked under his foot –
round the corner to the second floor
How it happened
when his shoulder hit the hall –
stagger under yellowed light
How it happened
when his face disappeared –
and I can't recall if time placed the shadows
How it happened
piss beer breath and summer sweat –
middle-aged with his child in the bunk above
How it happened
best friend's father spooned behind me like a lover –
called me darling
How it happened
his wife knew, everyone knew, said nothing –
even me.
Robin Sinclair is a gender-queer writer of mixed heritage and mixed emotions, currently living in New York City. Robin's work has been published in various magazines and journals, including Gatewood Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Black Heart Magazine, Red Bird Chapbooks, and Pidgeonholes. Find Robin at Robin is also haunted on Twitter by @Ghost_of_Mary.