Raymond Luczak: Sea of Constellations

Raymond Luczak: Sea of Constellations
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente


I lie on my back late at night
in my mother’s backyard for hours
to search the sea of constellations

for your eyes, your twinkly beard
made clearer from muted streetlamps.
I whisper-sign communiques to you.

Your eyes are a blinking Morse code
I can’t always transcribe.
I am a novel. You are a telegram.

These poems originally appeared in our ebook The Queer Body.

Raymond Luczak is the author and editor of 22 books, including Flannelwood (Red Hen Press) and Lovejets: Queer Male Poets on 200 Years of Walt Whitman (Squares & Rebels). He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and online at raymondluczak.com.