Lila Robinett: Lost Within Each Other

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
An Understanding Final Draft
I stare to the woods with understanding:
clotted colors and antipodes ring a dissonant
murmur behind my eyes:
lost within each other and will not,
will not be parsed from the antipodes.
The wind only carries the silent flurries
that grip the sap in each branch.
Until you run, marrow, blood in my veins, run
amber rosin and jolt, springtime, icicles from
the tongues of cathedral bells, sing again
and find colors from gray, make laugh
the ripples of pools and ponds, break frozen limbs
cruelly, so we may feel the color: dashing
of cardinals crimson in the resurrected branches
and know the pain of feeling.
Lila Robinett is a graduate of East Texas Baptist University, and is a current MFA student at Seattle Pacific University. She lives in Longview Texas.