Kristin Garth: You Are Built to Be Possessed

Kristin Garth: You Are Built to Be Possessed

Your Body Is His Blessing


You cry at 20, waitress brings a 12

& under menu.  Parents laugh.  "You're blessed.

You'll see." Dad should believe in blessings. Self

appointed prophet, from god a bequest

of daughters honor him.  You the eldest

bequeathed his childlike face, his taste for what

will singe hot pink insides of lips, closest

expression of his own eyes chestnut.

stay small, full grown except those breasts

attests your status — reflection & toy

consecrated to him first then the rest.

He means you are a thing men will enjoy,

endorsement you are built to be possessed.

This body has never made you feel blessed.

Kristin Garth is a poet from Pensacola and a sonnet stalker.  Her sonnets have stalked magazines like Five: 2: One, Glass, Anti-Heroin Chic, Occulum, Drunk Monkeys, Luna Luna, TERSE. Journal and many more.  Her chapbook Pink Plastic House is available from Maverick Duck Press, and she has two forthcoming: Pensacola Girls (Bone & Ink Press, Sept 2018) and Shakespeare for Sociopaths (The Hedgehog Poetry Press Jan 2019).  She also has a full length upcoming Candy Cigarette from the same press in April.  Follow her on Twitter:  (@lolaandjolie) and her website (