Jade Riordan: I Am the Magician

Jade Riordan: I Am the Magician

Rabbit Pelt Dream


Even the city

has abandoned itself for

an easier life.


In theory, I weigh

as much as a rabbit; I

sleep soft pelted and


fox-less. In theory,

I fall prey to the garden’s

old hunger; I look


on through the long night

at my soil and warmth self as

I decompose. In


theory, I remain

as a memory running

between cities, but


never entering.

In theory, I was just an



In reality,

I am the magician, the

last dream before sleep.


Jade Riordan lives in northern Canada; she’s probably cold right now. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Contemporary Verse 2, The Malahat Review, Outrageous Fortune, Room, 3Elements Literary Review, and elsewhere. She is a member of Bywords' selection committee.