Daniel Stewart: The Dream of Falling

Lambert Yuri
The Dream of Falling
You wield an axe
like you understand
it’s made from the flesh
of something living.
Think, cut. Say, sever.
The rhythm of these lines
scarring your cheeks
Your eyes scissor
layers, no structure
safe, not marrow,
not cells.
When falling in a dream
it’s said to hit ground you die
in waking life. Yet after every dream
of falling, I find myself awake
and rise.
Daniel Stewart has taught in the Writers in the Schools program since 1999, and serves as Writer-in-Residence at Ada County Juvenile Detention, and Frank Church High, an alternative school, in Boise, ID. He is the author of a book a poems, The Imaginary World (Wolf Peach Press, 2003). His poems have appeared in Puerto Del Sol, Rattle, Prairie Schooner, Educe, A Journal of Queer Literature, Sixfold, and Thrush Poetry Journal, among others.