Bonnie Billet: Life Map

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
life map
left I'm in the park
entering on 9th walking around
the statue of Lafayette
down the path crossing the inner road
past empty ball fields
that tumbled with kids last fall
to wind up over looking the long meadow
under a stand of mature oaks
their leaves expanding into summer
clouds skittering across the sky
I lie flat on solid ground
wearing a homemade paper mask
with shark teeth right from my front door
goes downhill to the supermarket the pharmacy
Save on Fifth my life condensed
to five blocks in Brooklyn
Bonnie Billet wrote until she was in her thirties and was published in POETRY and other journals no longer in print. She started writing again after retirement and has been published in So To Speak, RHINO, Entropy, Dunes Review, and Gyroscope Review among other journals.