Anthony Timperman: April 2018 Poet of the Month

A Kind of Opening
Come and see
a violet petal peeled
brown, a violent wind
in prairie grass,
marine fog lifting
from the tops of palms
for hours in the morning.
Come and see
how I have laid down carefully a mat
and invited a bell to ring,
arranged the makings for recovery,
lit incense and color-coded loose leaf
for subject and reference.
Most days there is not
a single thing out of place.
Inside these four-square walls,
I imagine a fire as large,
contains the cosmos,
have a notion that a notion
is only ever that.
Burn up your dreams.
Come with me, I can see
mountains, and in them
the sea and stars, my personality,
all space, nothing at all.
Anthony Timperman is a writer, poet, musician and filmmaker. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio and graduated from Ashland University, where he studied Philosophy and English. Anthony lives in Brooklyn, New York.