Announcing Nicole Callihan's Chapbook 'AGING'

Nicole Callihan's chapbook, Aging, is now here. You can buy it as a physical copy or an ebook version below. The praise for the collection is so accurate and true to the poems:
"Reading Nicole Callihan’s Aging is like walking a labyrinth: each poem takes the reader closer to the center of self-reflection before journeying back out into the world. This deeply meditative collection is grounded in the body—the ways it fails us and our shame—and the small joys of being alive. Though the poet asks, “What else can I offer,” ultimately she affirms, “This must be enough,” where enough is sometimes sufficient and sometimes too much. These poems do not promise a panacea for aging; they “tilt toward meaningfulness” and ask for reprieve."
–Emari DiGiorgio, author of Girl Torpedo and The Things a Body Might Become
"Nicole Callihan’s chapbook, Aging, takes the reader on an exquisite and magical journey. Her poems catch snippets of a life in motion, while repetition serves as an effective thread, connecting, unwrapping and surprising us along this journey. The mood of these poems is delightfully unpredictable. In a nod to aging, she tells us in one line “I keep wandering to graves” yet, a few lines down, in the same poem, Callihan shares, “I hope at least to keep my teeth” and I imagine the poet delivering this line to us deadpan. These poems are kaleidoscopes, each reading reveals a secret and unexpected nuance. Nature and family and musings on life and death all take center stage here. Callihan’s language is delicious. When she offers up the alliteration “I fickle and fume and finger the flowers” the reader can’t help but savor how her words and images roll off the tongue. She leaves us wanting more. Aging is a guidebook you will find yourself returning to again and again."
-JP Howard, author of SAY/MIRROR
Don't forget to check out this amazing video Nicole created in conjunction with the collection:
Aging from Nicole Hefner Callihan on Vimeo.
About Nicole:
Nicole Callihan writes poems, stories and essays. Her work has appeared in, among others, American Poetry Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Forklift, Ohio, PANK, Plume, and as a Poem-a-Day feature from the Academy of American Poets. Her books include the 2012 nonfiction Henry River Mill Village which she wrote with Ruby Young Kellar and which documented the rise and fall of a tiny mill village turned ghost town in North Carolina, as well as, SuperLoop, a collection of poems published in early 2014. In 2015, she received, with the poet Zoë Ryder White, the Baltic Writing Residency Chapbook Contest Award for their chapbook A Study in Spring which was released by Rabbit Catastrophe Press in fall 2015. Her book, The Deeply Flawed Human, was released by Deadly Chaps Press in summer 2016, and in summer 2017, Finishing Line Press published Downtown. Forthcoming books include Aging from YES Poetry and Translucence, a dual-language cross-cultural collaboration with Arab poet Samar Jaber Abdel (Indolent 2018). The Assistant Director and a Senior Language Lecturer at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering, Nicole frequently collaborates with artists and actors throughout New York City.