Adam Deutsch: Second Date

Second Date
Those two, splitting a calzone
in an air conditioned
booth at the Pizza Kings, have
their adolescent prayers,
a fountain soda emptied
in two blistered gulps.
There’s a storm on the sun
that keeps us thirsty, chewing ice.
Somewhere there’s a freezing night,
where faith swings like branches
from a sweet apple’s kernel.
A power pulls eyes open,
some kids work together to drag
a step-stool to reach a shelved jar
of honey and red pepper flakes.
Call it fair countenance: they say a man’s dead,
but then alive and we’re only young sometimes.
Adam Deutsch has work recently or forthcoming in Poetry International, Thrush, Juked, The Cossack Review, Ping Pong, and Typo, and has a chapbook called Carry On (Elegies). He teaches in the English Department at Grossmont College and is the publisher of Cooper Dillon Books. He can be found at and lives in San Diego, CA.