Aaron Gerber: Levitation Is Easy

Levitation Is Easy
I drink from a mug someone I haven't met
has washed This being
a type of trust
Life is rubbing its legs together like
two competing radios
I've been tuning in
to the song of crickets yet-unborn
When there is no green tea left
who is it that writes green tea
in the corner of her notebook This
being a type of memory
The sun also brings sun with it
The cold air is warm
Sometimes I'm naked when I hold
the cat to my chest and he
is also naked
I tell him my heart is dripping with
methodical dreams
I've been dreaming like a motherfucker
I glide on the solid
parts of the air when I
concentrate and stop concentrating
This being a type of balancing
I believe anyone can do it
I believe whoever drinks next from
the mug will understand I have cleaned it well
I have done all this before
Aaron Gerber was born in Maine and lived for a while in Portland, Oregon to have a band like everyone else. He holds an MFA from the University of New Hampshire. His poems have appeared in The Minnesota Review, Catch Up, Dokool, and others. Currently he lives in Maine again, where he recovers, does Bikram, and pets cats.