ted chevalier

Roosevelt Island Man

Ted Chevalier lives in Brooklyn, New York. He currently works as a Senior Multimedia Designer at Sales Graphics, where he manages projects for companies such as A&E Networks, Western Union and Disney. He received his BFA in graphic design at School of Visual Arts, with a minor in motion graphics. Ted is also the Web Editor and Digital Designer for Yes, Poetry. He often freelances design and illustration projects, having worked for musicians such as The Slackers and 100dBs.

Roosevelt Island Man

Abigail Welhouse: Whispers for Your Safety

Abigail Welhouse is the author of Bad Baby (dancing girl press), Too Many Humans of New York (Bottlecap Press), and Memento Mori (a poem/comic collaboration with Evan Johnston). Her writing has been published in The Toast, The Billfold, Ghost Ocean Magazine, the Heavy Feather Review, and elsewhere. Subscribe to her Secret Poems at tinyletter.com/welhouse

Abigail Welhouse: Whispers for Your Safety

Gregory Crosby: I Bought You Violence

Gregory Crosby’s work has previously appeared in Court Green, Epiphany, Copper Nickel, Paradigm, Rattle, Ophelia Street, Poem, Jacket, Pearl, The South Carolina Review, among others. He holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the City College of New York. Prior to that, he was an art critic in Las Vegas, Nevada (which still works as an icebreaker at parties). His first chapbook "Spooky Action at a Distance" was published by the Operating System in 2014. His debut full length is forthcoming from Operating System in 2018. 

Gregory Crosby: I Bought You Violence

Lisa Marie Basile: Dead Boy Poetry

Lisa Marie Basile is the founding editor-in- chief of Luna Luna Magazine. She is the author of Apocryphal (Noctuary Press, 2014) and a few chapbooks. She was a finalist for the 2017 Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize, and her work can be found in PANKSporkletBest American PoetryPEN American CenterThe Atlas ReviewThe Rumpus, Narratively and more. She holds an MFA from The New School. She has books forthcoming from Clash Books and Inside the Castle. 

Lisa Marie Basile: Dead Boy Poetry

A Preview of Gregory Crosby's 'The Book of Thirteen'

This October, we're releasing Gregory Crosby's chapbook, "The Book of Thirteen." We are supremely excited about the collaboration between Crosby and our Digital Editor Ted Chevalier. Crosby wrote thirteen word horror poems, while Chevalier made woodcut engravings as the illustrations. Pretty impressive, right?

A Preview of Gregory Crosby's 'The Book of Thirteen'