The answer is yes.

Depression Cupcakes (Ebook) by Thomas Fucaloro

Depression Cupcakes (Ebook) by Thomas Fucaloro


A poetry collection. 


"Depression Cupcakes is a collection of poems carefully crafted by Thomas Fucaloro with hopes of making his own depression just a bit easier on the palate. Through his own battles we are given a clear view into what it's like juggling mental health & gentrification while being a poet living in NYC. With a potent use of imagery and vivid realism, Depression Cupcakes invites you to explore mental disability despite your previous knowledge and see what life and love and death exist beyond the diagnoses. I implore you to take a bite!"

Roya Marsh, poet


"Thomas Fucaloro is fluent in the depression of scars, dysfunction of the NYC poetry scene, and the ideal way to dress mouths, “red wine is the best lipstick.” He bakes “Depression Cupcakes” with ingredients made of pill innards and Olive Garden loneliness. This book will tear out all your stitches and remind you the yowls of familial trauma. He writes, “My depression is a cat. It fits nicely in my lap.” Fucaloro’s lines will loiter your mind and never leave your side." 

Aimee Herman, author of Meant to Wake Up Feeling

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