Leah Umansky: How Long Does Anyone Stay Victorious?

My mother says, don’t be tired of battling. Battles come and go. But I don’t want to fight this fight much longer. I don’t want to be this arrow in the night. She says, victory will always be there. Wait. But she doesn’t know the disregard, shame, rejection, blame, objectification and ratification that comes with being a woman looking for love. At every corner could come blade, could come dagger.
Victory is out there, but it could take years, or a lifetime.
Besides, how long does anyone stay victorious?
Leah Umansky's new full-length collection The Barbarous Century is forthcoming in 2018 from Eyewear Publishing, UK. She is also the author of the dystopian-themed Straight Away the Emptied World (Kattywompus Press, 2016), the Mad-Men inspired chapbook, Don Dreams and I Dream, (Kattywompus Press, 2014) and the full length collection, Domestic Uncertainties, (BlazeVOX, 2013). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in POETRY, Pleiades, Thrush Literary Review, MAGMA, Plume, and The Brooklyn Rail, among others.