katixa espinoza: Confuse Thumbs for Cocks

prime oral fixation / used to bite cuticles until they bled
psycho analyze self
to miss sucking / to feel childlike
naptime with a thumb in mouth / to feel comforted by mother when she was away
crave love and safety more than milk
now confuse thumbs for cocks / crave comfort in the body attached to it
comfort in other bodies / a home in one
where mother’s lamb chops are served for dinner
you called lamb chop
an excuse to
take pleasure in inflicting pain / chop up / devour
until there is
no body
all that would be left are abandoned thumbs / to remind to keep sucking
a relic from trauma / oral to phallic obsessions / use teeth
chew on thumbs rather suck / inflict the pain ridden in body
thumbs remind me of your body / i chew on them until they bleed
a defense mechanism
i hope it hurt
katixa espinoza is a 20 yr old miami native, latinx writer residing in brooklyn, new york. she fulfills her art student quota by drinking one mocha coffee a day and likes to yell at people who don’t recognize their privilege. her works can be found on Sea Foam Mag, Textploit, and other places as well. she yells into the void at katixaespinoza.com