Eileen Murphy: #NotTrump Series

A King of Shreds & Patches (Cento)
something is rotten
is it the king?
foul & pestilent
too too solid flesh
liar of infinite
north by northwest
madness in great ones
may smile & smile
& be a serpent
sorrows come in battalions
& a thousand natural shocks
oh what a rash & bloody deed is this
A former Chicagolander, Eileen Murphy lives on semi-rural property that must be mowed quite often, located 30 miles from Tampa, surrounded by the wild animals of Central Florida, most of them mosquitoes. She received her Masters degree from Columbia College, Chicago. She teaches literature and English at Polk State College and has recently published poetry in Tinderbox (nominated for Pushcart Prize), The American Journal of Poetry, Deaf Poet’s Society, Right Hand Pointing, Rogue Agent, and a number of other journals.