Caitlin Thomson: A Holy Thing
Photo: Joanna C. Valente

Photo: Joanna C. Valente

The Age of an Oak, Revealed in a Museum


The world is a holy thing, we say, hoping that men

won’t destroy it. Men can’t walk or talk without thinking


about destruction. I mean men in the universal sense of the word.

Destruction could be the end of flight, the end of waiting in lines,


the end of debt. One year the fields of wheat will brim

with weeds, bucks will find McMansions to call their own,


and sparrows will nest in garages undeterred. The Metropolitan

Museum of Art will fill with living things. The stars will become


just as visible as they were on the day the earth first existed,

the day the first body was un-earthed and God called it good.

Caitlin Thomson is the co-founder of The Poetry Marathon, an international writing event. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals including: The Adroit Journal, Rust + Moth, Barrow Street, and Radar.  You can learn more about her writing at